Automating standups using GPT4 and Github APIs

2 min readOct 2, 2023


Ever get a Slack message that messes up your focus? Happens to me at 5 pm a lot, right when our daily team updates are due.

I run two businesses: Valor, a dev agency, and Sonic, a Twitter SaaS. So I juggle client meetings, stand-ups, performance reviews, and fundraising. It’s too much sometimes.

Then I thought: Why not turn Github commits into team updates? That way, we don’t have to write updates that no one probably reads.

So we gave it a try. We used Github’s tools and OpenAI’s GPT4. It worked! The bot looks at our Git commits and makes a simple report. In just one month, we saved 90% of the time we used to spend getting ready for our daily and weekly meetings.

Here is the demo.

There are extra benefits too.

  1. No Misses: GitReport catches all our work.
  2. Focus on Real Work: We see what we really get done.

The best part? Less stress. No more wondering what we did all day or what got fixed last week. The reports aren’t perfect, but GitReport runs by itself. For a small team like ours, that’s a big deal.

We think GitReport could replace standup apps like Geekbot. So we’re making it into a product. More Git features are coming, like tracking issues and pull requests.

P.S. We’re offering an early bird discount of 50% off for the first 200 sign-ups. If you want to try it, sign up here.

